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Specter of punishment attached to the 10th king of spirits long cheap oakley sunglasses with the ghost here. General fantasy Township mountain called the mountain of the monster. Many ancient monsters and gods live here, where the establishment of a cultural community different from other humans and monsters. Among the Tengu and Kappa holds a high-tech comparable to the outside world. This is when the fantasy Township, there is a ghost living in it, created by the spirits who led the Tengu community based approach, consisting of a special social. oakley sunglasses cheap United force is very strong, and experience to the outside, will be excluded, expelled.

In addition, the monster mountain waterfall flow of fog Lake. The mountain toad pool monster floating lotus pool. Closer to the monsters of the mountain entrance, close to outsiders will be monster to drive away in the mountain. Live cannibalism the toad, usually I could see the Qi Lunuo here as a the oakley sunglasses cheap frozen, thaw frog Playground. "Reflections of flowers Otsuka the shot life pill checkpoints to here as the stage. Moriya Shrine, Lake Aeolus keep the vector shrine (though ri や Full gradually san gradually ゃ) is established by the monster hill shrine, inside wind I wish Dongfeng Valley Sanae, God only eight Sakamoto God Chennai sub vent vector Suwa visit the child live here.

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